Importance notice: undergrad students who want to get credits next semester at this course, please contact Sandra at
This page contains all information about the 2018 graduate course in Quantum Information and Quantum noise.
Lectures will be on Mondays and Wednesdays, from 16:00 to 18:00, at Auditório Sul.
Lecture Notes: here are all notes in a single PDF.
Below they are divided into separate PDFs.
01 - Review of Quantum Mechanics.
Additional reading: chapter 2 of Nielsen and Chuang; chapter 2 of Preskill.
02 - Density Matrix theory.
Additional reading: Sec. 2.4 of Nielsen and Chuang and Sec. 2.3 of Preskill.
03 - Entanglement.
Additional reading: Secs. 2.4 and 2.5 of NC and Secs. 2.3 and 2.4 of Preskill.
04 - Reduced density matrices and Schmidt decomposition.
Additional reading: Secs. 2.4 and 2.5 of NC and Secs. 2.3 and 2.4 of Preskill.
05 - Entropies.
Additional reading: chapter 11 of NC and Secs. 5.1 and 5.2 of Preskill.
06 - POVMs and generalized measurements.
Additional readon: Secs. 2.2 and 2.4 of NC, Sec. 3.1 of Preskill and Sec. 2.2 of Gardiner and Zoller.
07 - Continuous variables.
arXiv 1401.4679.
08 - Quantum phase space.
Gardiner and Zoller, chapter 4.
09 - Lossy cavities.
10 - Quantum operations.
Nielsen and Chuang, chap. 8. Preskill Sec. 3.3.
11 - Lindblad master equations.
Preskill, Sec. 3.5. Breuer and Petruccione Sec. 3.1 and 3.2
For a nice (very) recent paper on divisibility (semigroup stuff), see arXiv 1805.00920
12 - Microscopic derivations.
I based these notes on chap. 5 of “Open Quantum Systems: an Introduction” of Rivas and Hulega.
See also Sec. 3.3 of Breuer and Petruccione.
Cool papers mentioned in class: arXiv 1711.01640 (optomechanics) and arXiv 1711.00582 (Rabi).
13 - Examples of microscopic derivations.
Chapter 3 of Breuer and Petruccione discuss several applications. The spin-boson model is discussed in chapter 4.
The discussion here is based on the original paper arXiv:quant-ph/9702001.
14 - Gaussian systems.
For all kinds of things related to Gaussian systems, have a look at the book “Quantum Continuous Variables” by
Alessio Serafini.
15 - Optomechanics.
A good book on optomechanics is that of Aspelmeyer, Kippenberg and Marquadt, entitled (not surprisingly)
“Cavity Optomechanics”
16 - Qubits in a common environment (Jader P. Santos).
For additional discussions on this type of model, see arXiv:quant-ph/0610140 and arXiv:1311.0018.
17 - Quantum Darwinism: sorry guys, I didn’t have time to write down the notes on this lecture.
The Zurek paper I mentioned in class is arXiv:0903.5082, from which you can find many other references. The
solution of the oscillator model we discussed is given in the Supplemental Material of arXiv:1804.02970.
18 - Bell and Leggett-Garg inequalities.
The paper about is in PRL 120 210402 (2018). The paper about Bell measurements in continuous variables, that
one of the students mentioned, is 1801.03194
19 - Quantum Estimation Theory (Jader P. Santos).
Problem sets:
- Problem set 3.
Notes on the Duan criteria.
Additional resources:
- Qulib library: This is a Mathematica Library with some useful functions for doing problems in Quantum Information and Open quantum systems.
To Install qulib, read these instructions.